How to CiteΒΆ

If you use FLARE in your research, or any part of this repo (such as the GP implementation), please cite the following paper:

[1] Vandermause, J., Torrisi, S. B., Batzner, S., Xie, Y., Sun, L., Kolpak, A. M. & Kozinsky, B. On-the-fly active learning of interpretable Bayesian force fields for atomistic rare events. npj Comput Mater 6, 20 (2020).

If you use MGP or LAMMPS pair style, please cite the following paper:

[2] Xie, Y., Vandermause, J., Sun, L. et al. Bayesian force fields from active learning for simulation of inter-dimensional transformation of stanene. npj Comput Mater 7, 40 (2021).

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